keskiviikko, 22. huhtikuu 2009

Front page analysis from The Times (9 June 2008) by Eetu and Jani


The front page of The Times of 9th June 2008 is very conservative as usual. That’s because The Times have very long history and it’s the oldest newspaper in Britain. The masthead is a traditional and convivial with its Lion and unicorn, Latin and French and the crown in the middle. The clean serif font of the masthead and the headline makes The Times very traditional. The target audience is old, conservative and traditional Brits.

The splash is introduced as: “Law creates underclass of child criminals” connotes the class system in United Kingdom. There’s no strapline because it’s a dead serious newspaper. The picture on the front page present Rafael Nadal when he won the Tennis tournament called French Open. The article under the picture is “Nadal the matador puts Federer to the sword”. This is a sample of the conservatism because it suggests that The Times because tennis is a traditional British sport. On the right hand side of the front page there’s lures which lure the reader to read the paper. Lures are dramatic so they wake reader curiosity.

Immediacy and familiarity are central news values in the masthead. The headline of the picture is amplitude because it considers a big event with large number of people. The Time is so big newspaper that the whole front page fulfils all of the news values.

keskiviikko, 22. huhtikuu 2009


Tästä tuli ihan täydellinen ja uskomattoman hyvä, odottelemme vähintään kiitettävää:

"Textual analysis on Daily Mirror (Saturday June 9 2007)


The front page of the Daily Mirror of July 9th 2007 is devoted almost exclusively to Paris Hilton. The headline screams “PARIS BACK TO JAIL”. The font is huge and very noticeable, it catches one’s eye, still leaving room for curiosity to find out more about Paris Hilton. The white text stands out from the black background, which is different from the other parts of the front page.

The puffs of the front page are irrelevant to the Paris case, although they are interesting and “shocking” to the viewers of Big Brother. They’re both about people form Big Brother. There is also one puff about a soldier who heroically saved a comrade by sacrificing his own life. The other big brother puff is about a Big Brother competitor, Ziggy, and his ex-lover. The other BB issue is that one character apparently was being racist. The puffs catch the reader’s eye; if you’re not interested in Paris Hilton, you might want to know more about the people in Big Brother or you ought to be interested in the heroic soldier in Iraq who lost his life to save his friend.

The strapline “She screams as she’s told to serve 45 days” suggests that she is devastated by the fact that she has to serve 45 days in prison. The pictures tell the same story. Paris is obviously scared and shocked about going back to jail. There is a picture where Paris sits on the backseat of a police vehicle, and another small picture of Paris crying. It is an interesting contrast, when people usually see Paris as a fabulous, groomed person who appears to be flawless to the public. Now she’s nothing of that; she’s sad, dingy and that captures people’s attention.

The whole article seems very negative. Even the headline screams negativity through the expression “PARIS BACK TO JAIL”. It suggests that she’s been in prison before, and now she’s going there again. It’s like she can’t behave well, but she keeps breaking the law. The nag tells the reader that Paris is sentenced to prison again for drinking and driving. The nag focuses on Paris’ reactions, feelings and outlook. In the end there’s a lure: “FULL DRAMATIC STORY: PAGE 7”. The word dramatic in it claims that the story is very important, sad and dramatic, and makes the reader wanting to know more about the Paris Hilton case.

The whole front page has no political content, but its all filled with human-interest stories; stories that are about real people and that interest practically everyone."

Lare ja Max 22.4.2009 klo 12:55


torstai, 16. huhtikuu 2009

Julia and her media habits

I sometimes read the paper in the morning. I often do read metro on the way to school. Sometimes I also listen to the radio and listen about whats been going on. I watch the TV but I don't really watch the news. When I go on the internet my computer automatically opens the news feeds which I go through to see if there's anything  interesting in there. I also go on facebook, msn messanger and check my email. I don't really spend much time on the computer. I do have to check the school's website for updates and assigments. I don't really like sitting in front of the TV or the computer, I'd rather go out.


torstai, 16. huhtikuu 2009

Jani and his media consumption!

Ciao bella bella! Amore mioo! Summer is coming and everybody's happy and so on! niiiice! I'm talking today about mine media consumption!. It isn't very big subject, but so what!? Everyone doesn't like sitting in front of computer many hours each day. I belong on that group. Sorry geeks.

But any way, here comes mine media consumption, prepare yourselves! First of all, the biggest part of my consumption is chatting with friends on MSN messenger. It is quick and easy to use. Next is hanging on facebook doing different quizzes and just killing time especially on winter when it's cold outside. I still don't like sitting in front of computer many hours each day, but now this fact can change when I've started this funny blog!! I think that here is all today. Head's up, summer is coming!

torstai, 16. huhtikuu 2009

Eetu and his media consumption!

My media consumption is quite one sided. I am always sitting in front of the computer and hanging around in Facebook. Usually I am just staring the screen and do nothing but sometimes I chat with my friends and comment on their photos.

Everything I do with media happens in the internet so I do not read newspapers and watch television. I read interactive newspapers and watch the news from the internet. In my oppinion I am very busy guy because of school and my hobby (football/soccer) so I do not have time to sit down and watch TV because there is so much comercials and other totally useless material. Internet is the best way to keep the eye on the important things that happen around the world. If you know the right websites, you are capable to find the important news very fast.